Posted by Kwasi Asante Annor on November 30, 2016

Image result for angelsLuke 16:22
The poor man died and was carried by the angels to Abraham’s bosom. The rich man also died and was buried;

It is obvious that Luke was a close observer, excellent writer, painstaking historian whose ink not only captured the events of here but eternity as well.

No wonder he did not miss this eternity focused story of Jesus regarding Lazarus and the rich man.

The stories of these two men provide us with a sharp contrast but not without one similarity – death laid its hands on them.

The bible is clear that both died but one was carried by angels whiles the other was buried.

Beloved, this is the question I want us to ponder on if we are alive this morning to read it: who will escort you to eternity.

On his death bed, David Humes (a famous philosopher) was screaming “O God I’m in flames. Again Robert Ingresol also muttered “O God if you exist, save my soul from hell”.

Beloved, these were atheists who had nothing to do with God until the doors of hell was opened to usher then in.

Image result for eternity with godYet, Thomas Edison, the Christian Inventor noted when the gates of heaven was opened that ” It’s very beautiful out there” as he was dying.

How are you going to fizzle into eternity?

Listen Lazarus was improvised physically but very rich towards eternity.

He couldn’t pay for a plate of meal but had bought a first class ticket to heaven.

The crumbs on the rich man’s table was his plea on earth but Abraham’s bossom was his possession in eternity.

Will angels carry you too? Will you be escorted by the companions of Heaven? Will El-Shaddai dispatch angels to usher you into eternity?

I dont know about you but of what use will be the many earthly achievements and have nothing to show on the day of reckoning.

A charge to keep we have and a God to glorify.

Let us therefore lay aside every weight and sins that easily entangles us as we look to Jesus the author of our salvation.

If you have not made a decision to follow Jesus Christ, it is time beloved for salvation is met in no one else but Christ Jesus (Acts 4:12, John 14:6)

May we be ready for the divine dispatch riders in Jesus name.

Eternity, eternity
Where would you spend eternity
Eternity, eternity
Where would you spend eternity.

Song credit: classical hymns

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