Posted by Kwasi Asante Annor on November 23, 2016

Nehemiah 9:8
You found his heart faithful to you, and you made a covenant with him to give to his descendants the land of the Canaanites….Girgashites. You have kept your promise because you are righteous.

Yesterday, we discussed the need to settle in the word as the case was in Nehemiah’s days.

Image result for abraham loved the LordThis is because by navigating through the word, uncommon treasures are discovered.

Tracing the historical account of Israel to the people, the interpreters touched on a very significant virtue of Abraham: The Status of His Heart.

According to the passage, God found in Abraham, a faithful heart and made a covenant of transference with him.

Beloved, what is the status of our hearts.

For it all begins with the heart. A right heart begats a right life.

For out of our hearts produce the issues of life.

Beloved, what kind of heart do you have?

Is it an envious, divisive, slanderous, wicked, negative, unforgiving or a faithful, lovely, compassionate heart.

Abraham had his flaws yet his faithful heart elevated his floors.

He became the Father of nations and received supernatural wealth transfers.

It is time for us to set our hearts right with God and man.

May God give us a divine sieve to segregate what goes in and out of our hearts.

For when the heart becomes right, everything else will be alright.

Come and make my heart your home
Come and be everything I an and all I know
Search me through and through
Till my heart becomes a home for you.

Song credit: Women of Worship

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