Posted by Kwasi Asante Annor on November 20, 2016

Image result for Nehemiah 7:5

Nehemiah 7:5
And my God put it into my heart to get together the rulers and the chiefs and the people so that they might be listed by families.

The hallmark of a great believer is a heart that is ready, yielded and surrendered.

Nehemiah was so divinely connected that Sovereignty did not hesitate to drop burdens and passions in his heart.

Following the completion of the wall, it was observed that the inhabitants in the city were few.

As usual, God laid a specific direction upon the heart of Nehemiah and he executed without hitch.

Beloved, when your heart becomes God’s cart, you march into the success hut.

The year is coming to an end, what has God laid upon your heart to do?

It is possible God laid it upon your heart to intercede for that family in distress.

Image result for kindnessGod laid on your heart to gather all the young people in your office and mentor them.

God laid on your heart to offer that scholarship to your needy next door neighbour.

What has God laid upon your heart?

I sense strongly that some of us have it laid upon our hearts to leave everything and go into full time ministry (Luke 5:11)

Others hearts have been laid upon just to offer themselves to support their pastors spiritually, materially and through service.

When God laid the burden upon Nehemiah’s heart, he went straight into action, an insightful lesson we can glean as we step out into God’s church today.

May God honour you with a record breaking testimony as you obediently respond to whatever has been laid on your heart. Selah

I live for Jesus day after day
I live for Jesus
O come what may
The Holy Spirit, I will obey
I live for Jesus day after day

Song credit: Pent Hymns

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