Posted by Kwasi Asante Annor on November 17, 2016

Nehemiah 6:3
And I sent messengers to them, saying, “I am doing a great work and I cannot come down. Why should the work stop while I leave it and come down to you?”

Image result for Nehemiah 6:3

Nehemiah was doing a great work and his level of devotion was apt.

The nature of the work was such that it demanded full attention and focused determination.

When those who opposed the work wanted to distract him, he gave them an appropriate response – “why should the work stop”

Beloved, this should be our mindset in every endeavour so that we dont allow anything to sway us.

So why should the work of ministry stop because you are discouraged, there is no money, results are delaying or persecution has set in.

Why should you walk out of the marriage or relationship because some challenges have set in, you seem to be disagreeing or your spouse is always sick?

Image result for stay focusedWhy should you stop pursuing that academic programme? Is it because it’s difficult, your grades are bad or the lecturers are frustrating you.

Beloved, Nehemiah stayed focused and did not allow any thing to obstruct his vision.

This should be our passion, focus and goal just as Jesus who foresaw the joy that was set before him, endured the cross that he will be glorified.

For many will try to sap our energies so the ultimate goal won’t be achieved.

But refuse to be drawn into any negativity, keep your head above the waters of opposition, swim against the tides of discouragement and soar mightily above every storm.

The Lord is certainly with you and surely you will rebuild victoriously. Selah

I’m born unto exploits
I’m born unto greatness
The Spirit is upon me
I cannot fail
Creation is waiting with great expectation
For my revelation to do only exploits

Song credit: Praise Library Music

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