Posted by Kwasi Asante Annor on November 14, 2016

Image result for Sanballat

Nehemiah 4:1 When Sanballat heard that we were rebuilding the wall, he became angry and was greatly incensed. He ridiculed the Jews,

Rebuilding is beautiful. It is progressive and brings hope, life and glory.

This was the mission of Nehemiah as he sought to remove the disgrace of Israel by rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem.

Unfortunately, he faced severe opposition.

Our passage says that when Sanballat heard of the rebuilding, he became angry and greatly incensed.

Image result for pretenseBeloved, Sanballat means enemy in secret.

It means that the Sanballat spirit is the spirit that seeks a man’s downfall cunningly and secretly.

That spirit smiles at you openly but grins angrily at you secretly.

That is the spirit that seem to be mourning with you in the day but laughs at you in the night.

The Sanballat spirit is anti-growth, anti-progressive, anti-advancement.

It is the spirit that kills initiative, suffocates drive and drowns passion.

It is the spirit that peels inner strength, deflates commitment and cracks down on positive interventions.

All around us, we are surrounded by Sanballats and it takes the grace of God to withstand their opposition.

But one thing is certain, though the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of God will lift up a standard against it.

Listen, beloved, it does not matter what kind of Sanballat spirit will hover around you, greater is He that is in you than that spirit.

All that is required is to be informed and to be on guard.

This week, may you overcome any Sanballat spirit in every area of your life in Jesus name. Amen

There’s victory for me
There’s victory for me
Through the blood of Christ my saviour
There’s victory for me
For me O Yes
For me O Yes
In the name of Christ our saviour, there’s victory

Song credit: BBC

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