Posted by Kwasi Asante Annor on November 12, 2016

Nehemiah 2:17
Then I said to them, “You see the trouble we are in: Jerusalem lies in ruins, and its gates have been burned with fire. Come, let us rebuild the wall of Jerusalem, and we will no longer be in disgrace.”

Image result for building relationships

Not long ago, I posted on my Facebook page a daily prayer I am making to God: To be a good husband, a good father and a good pastor.

The comments were interesting and intriguing but the basis for that request was to see that my family is intact.

For family is everything and everything begins with family.

According to Gibson Annor-Antwi’s model of the concentric cycle of relationships, the family is the inner circle, the most hit in times of crises and yet the least regarded.

So we cannot talk about rebuilding without looking at our families.

At a ministers forum on marriage recently, we all came to the conclusion that the success of every marriage is dependent on the man using Ephesians 5 as the basis.

Beloved, is your family breaking down? It is time to rebuild.

Image result for building relationshipsSome couples are not in talking terms up till now so even conjugal activity seem to be a compulsion. It is time to rebuild.

A certain husband is just being callous and wicked refusing to attend to the family is time to rebuild.

Sometimes as I walked on our major streets and see many young men and women hawking their wares, my question is where are their parents? Don’t they have families.

Beloved, husband, wife, child, don’t do any thing to jeopardize the serenity of the family.

Avoid choices and actions that can endanger the bond of the family.

The year is about to end therefore it is time to offer the olive leaf of reconciliation, blow the trumpet of peace and offer the embrace of love.

Families, let us arise and build our homes again.

For charity, they say, begins at home. Selah

Help me Jesus
Help me O Lord
I am weary, tired and despised
Help I can’t find in no one else
Help me Jesus, help me O Lord

Song credit: Opoku Onyinah

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