Posted by Kwasi Asante Annor on November 10, 2016

Nehemiah 2:17
Then I said to them, ….. Come, let us rebuild the wall of Jerusalem, and we will no longer be in disgrace.”

Image result for rebuild

In his victory speech yesterday, Donald Trump called on Americans to come together to rebuild their country.

This is similar to the call from Nehemiah to all Judah to remove their disgrace by arising to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem.

Beloved, rebuilding is a critical component in the restorative plan of any endeavour.

And it is more stronger when it has to do with lives and destinies.

But I believe the first point of rebuilding is spiritual.

For it is the spirit that quickens and the flesh profits nothing.

That is why James admonished us to build ourselves up in our most holy faith.

Image result for rebuild lifeFor a life well-built spiritually is resolute, firm and positioned to stand against the winds of opposition.

Beloved, how far have your spiritual walls be broken down.

It is time to rebuild it. Your prayer life is in shambles but start rebuilding gradually with that five minutes consistent prayer.

The debris of your Bible study life is glaring but just start rebuilding with that chapter per day.

With the Holy Ghost as your architect and site engineer, I can guarantee you that you would be built up into a spiritual store house glowing with glory within and radiating with beauty without.

You have fallen but you can recover from the fall and receive a fresh redevelopment of your spirituality.

Arise and rebuild that spiritual broken wall in Jesus name.

Fill me up till I overflow
I wanna run over
I wanna run over
Fill me up till I overflow
I wanna run over
I wanna run over

Song credit: Tasha Cobbs

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