Posted by Kwasi Asante Annor on November 08, 2016

Image result for favor of the lord

Nehemiah 2:4
Then the king said to me, “For what do you make request?” So I prayed to the God of heaven.

In the 21 irrefutable laws of leadership, John Maxwell notes in the 9th law that who you are is who you attract.

And because to every rule, there is an exception, Nehemiah was exempt according to this law.

For as a cup bearer who is wearing a sad look, the only consequence would have been an execution order from the king.

But the magnetic force of favour was at work.

The law of magnetism states that unlike poles attract and like poles repel.

For what will propel a king to ask a servant, what do you want?

Something stronger than the king’s will was pulling him to Nehemiah – that is favour.

Beloved, life can be lived much better when that magnetic force of favour hangs around our necks.

That is what draws the noble to the ignoble and allows the ignoble to rub shoulders with the noble.

It is a compelling, attractive and irresistible aura which makes ordinary men glow without restraint.

Image result for Mephibosheth, bibleBeloved, no door can be shut behind a man carrying the magnetic force of favour.

Joseph shined every where because of it. Esther changed her status because of it. Mephiboseth became the rich lame man because the light of favour shone brightly on him.

How much more you and I, participants of the godly nature and sharers of the heavenly heritage.

This morning, may the magnetic force of favour speak for you in that interview session, as you broker that agreement, as you defend your case, as you present your proposal, as you market that product, as you preach that message.

For Favour is a force that cause men to avoid obvious losses in the path of destiny. Selah

Show us thy glory Oh Lord
Show us thy glory Oh Lord
Let the dew of heaven bring us refreshing
And show us thy glory once more.

Song credit: Pent Hymns

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