Posted by Kwasi Asante Annor on October 30, 2016

Image result for Proverbs 14:5

Proverbs 14:5
A faithful witness does not lie, but a false witness will utter lies.

The Bible identifies two kinds of witnesses – a faithful and a false witness.

One does not lie and the other is full of lies hence in the court of destiny, the kind of witness, one encounters could go a long way to determine the case.

It is therefore refreshing to note that Jesus Christ whom you and I have believed in is A FAITHFUL WITNESS (Rev. 1:5)

He does not lie (Titus 1:2) but stands before the Father in the court of destiny and presents the facts as it is.

He is not the accuser of the brethren deceitfully submitting half truths about us to God.

He is the faithful witness who holds our hands to walk us through the changing scenes of life.

Image result for faithfulnessFor faithfulness is like a garment wrapped around him and shows forth along every step he takes.

No wonder Paul spoke that God who has called us into fellowship with his son Jesus Christ is faithful.

We can therefore be at rest in our hearts because faithful is He whom we have believed and clung unto.

May our faithful witness mute every voice of lies, deceit and untruth from the false satanic witness in someone’s life.

Beloved, can we continuously keep in mind that God is not a man that he should lie as that knowledge will keep us always glued to Him.

If so, why dont we get out of that bed and start getting ready to go and meet this wonderful FAITHFUL WITNESS.

Enjoy church beloved. Selah

Faithful, You are faithful
King of kings, Lord of Lords
You are faithful
Faithful, You are faithful
King of kings, Lord of Lords
I worship you

Song credit: Hosanna Music

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