Posted by Kwasi Asante Annor on October 28, 2016

Image result for Proverbs 11:12Proverbs 11:12
He who belittles his neighbor lacks sense, but a man of understanding remains silent.

It’s important to recognise in this life that the size of a person does not define who he is.

Many people make that error and feel so ashamed after learning that lesson in a bitter way.

This wisdom is what the wise man is bringing to our attention.

Listen, you don’t have to know who a person is to define how you will accord him honour.

For the simplicity of a man does not mean obscurity.

So it could be that the person you are smiting could be the next CEO of your company tomorrow.

Daniel Kolenda was just an ordinary person in Reinhard Bonkie’s team but today, he carries the mantle of Bonkie.

Image result for consider others better than yourself, bible

No wonder Paul admonished the Romans to consider others above themselves and show regard without refrain.

Always remember therefore that it pays to be nice to the people you meet on your way up for its the same you could meet on your way down.

A little regard for your fellow man wouldn’t hurt. Selah

Though we are many, we are one body
We are one body in Christ
One faith in the Lord Jesus Christ binding us together with one voice
One hope and one God, one father over all

Song credit: Tom Inglis

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