Posted by Kwasi Asante Annor on October 22, 2016

Image result for Proverbs 24:16Proverbs 24:16
For a righteous man falls seven times, and rises again; but the wicked are overthrown by calamity.

Bedford, a common vehicle in Ghana as I grew up usually had some interesting inscriptions.

One of such was “the downfall of a man is not the end of his life”

Thinking through deeply, I am more persuaded that this statement is more applicable to the righteous.

For an unrighteous man is already dead from the beginning.

No wonder the wise man affirms this strongly in our passage for this morning.

Beloved, we cannot belabour the fact that being righteous does not absorb us from the challenges of life.

In fact it is even those living right who are confronted with many troubles of life.

But I have news for you this morning: Troubles have overwhelmed you and you might have fallen but You shall recover from the fall.

Beloved, What has brought you down in the path of destiny?

You might have lost a rewarding job through downsizing, a beloved has called off the engagement, your consignment has been lost in transit, you’ve had a huge loss from that investment and death has laid its icy hands on a relative.

I see your tears but the recovery handkerchief has been released to wipe them away.

Image result for sad boy pictures for facebook profileYou can be knocked down but refuse to be knocked out.

I speak into your situation that may the wind of the Holy Ghost inflate your dashed hopes, crushed faith and broken joy.

You will not sink in the well of disgrace but you will float in the waters of his grace.

May the angels of Jehovah be sent to strengthen you in your garden of Gethsemane.

Look up beloved for total recovery beckons. Selah

God is able to do just what He says He will do
He’s gonna fulfill every promise to you
Don’t give up on God cos He won’t give up on you
He’s able

Song credit: Dietrick Haddon

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