Posted by Kwasi Asante Annor on October 19, 2016

Image result for Proverbs 20:12Proverbs 20:12
The hearing ear and the seeing eye, the LORD has made them both.

There are three gates to a man’s soul: his eyes, ears and mouth.

Essentially, these are gates through which information travels from without into the within of a man.

This is why it is important to acknowledge that as the wiseman has posited that it is the Lord that made them.

Beloved, it is of utmost importance for us to understand that one of the saddest things in life is when our eyes cannot see and our hears cannot hear.

Physically, it is an undesirable condition, how much more spiritually?

Image result for seeing and hearingTherefore this is my prayer that spiritually our eyes will see and ears will hear.

For God who made them both is Spirit and through the spirit, he speaks and reveals the hidden.

How can we anticipate good and evil if our eyes are not seeing and our ears are not hearing?

May the Spirit of God anoint our eyes and ears this morning. May our ears not be muted to the sound of heaven. May we not be blinded to the trappings of hell.

If God reveals to redeem, then our eyes must be opened to see what has been revealed so as to take caution.

We are ready, touch our eyes, our ears O Lord that we may always be informed every step of the way of destiny. Selah

Open our eyes Lord, we want to see Jesus
To reach out and touch me Him and say that we love Him
Open our ears Lord and help us to listen; open our eyes Lord, we want to see Jesus

Song credit: Anonymous

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