Posted by Kwasi Asante Annor on October 17, 2016

Image result for giftProverbs 18:16
A man’s gift makes room for him and brings him before great men.

It is an established fact that every human specie is uniquely packaged, consciously composed and deliberately made up for a specific purpose.

In other words, every man is born with a “unique selling proposition”, known as a gift that sets him apart and makes different from all others.

And we couldn’t disagree with the wiseman that a man’s gift makes room for him.

Listen beloved, a discovery of your gift sets you up to rub shoulders with great men.

For the road of great men are travelled by those who have discovered, developed and using their gift.

Haven’t you observed that it was David’s skill as a harpist that gave him audience in the king’s palace and I see yours becoming the key that will unlock doors of opportunities with CEOs, Ambassadors, Billionaires, World leaders and world platforms.

Image result for liftListen, your gift seem small but start developing it and with the yeast of the Holy Ghost, it will bloat into a dough of greatness.

You were not made giftless but in you was a divine deposit of abilities so dont deny your world the share of that potential.

For your gift is certainly your lift. Selah

Ancient words ever true
Changing me and changing you
We have come with open hearts
O let the ancient words impart.

Song credit: Michael W. Smith

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