What is “destiny”? In simple terms, destiny is God’s purpose for your life. It is your appointed or ordained future. Destiny is what God has predetermined you to be and to become, in His divine will. We are all created to fit into a divine blue print. God has ordained a specific path we are to thread upon and see to its fulfillment.

Text: Jeremiah 1:5, Psalms 139:13-14, Ephesians 2:10

This is the reason we should never see ourselves as an accident or a by-product or an after-thought, but divinity programmed you and made you. You were scheduled and Sovereignty conferred with adequate due diligence.

Listen, God is an investor and anticipates returns in whatever he has ordained for you to be. May you never miss your ordained place. May it not escape from your hands. You will step into your destiny and walk in it. It shall not pass you by but you will grasp it, hold on it and not let it go until it is fulfilled.

What is a trigger: A trigger is a metal lever that when pulled discharges a gun. You shoot the gun by pulling the trigger. Trigger can also mean the start of a process––violent protests might trigger a revolution.



  • The presence of God is the sovereign perfume on humanity that cannot pass by and not catch attention.
  • The presence of God is the person of God escorting man in all his endeavours.
  • The presence of God is the garment of divinity on the soul of humanity.
  • The presence of God is heavenly dew falling continually on a man making him stand out, outstanding and extraordinary.

Show me a man who carries the presence of God and I will show you a man who is travelling without effortlessly to destiny. When God’s presence shows up, our limitations are negated, inabilities are inactivated and weaknesses are consummated.

The presence of God is the face of God. It is the countenance of Heaven on humanity.

The presence of God is smoother than the modern skin lotion. Young lady, mascara, lip gloss, lip shine, make up, make down etc., are all good but none can be compared with the presence of God.

What gave Ruth favour with Boaz was not her beauty but God’s presence. This same presence blinded Arthaxerses who gave Esther audience in the king’s court. The world say use what you have to get what you want. Well, let me announce to you that what you have is the PRESENCE OF GOD.

Israel was commanded to make an ark – symbolic of the Shekinah presence of God. No battle was fought without the leadings of the ark. In your battles of destiny, look for the presence of God.

You can have all the skills, abilities, talents, but devoid of the presence of God, it will come crashing down. The presence of God found itself in the House of Obed-Edom and that presence elevated him in 90 days (2 Samuel 6:11).


Beloved, the second trigger for destiny is the HOLY GHOST FACTOR. Beloved, the person of the Holy Ghost in the destiny of man cannot be over-emphasised. In fact, take variable of the Holy Ghost out of the equation and it would not balance. As a matter of fact, Know Holy Ghost, Know Destiny…..No Holy Ghost, No Destiny.

God has promised us a glorious destiny but it must ride on the wheels of the Holy Ghost.

The Holy Ghost is so crucial to our destinies that his functionalities cannot be ignored. In Genesis 1:2, Now the earth was without form and void and darkness covered the face of the deep. It means that the destiny of the earth was at the mercy of the void, substance and dark until the HOLY GHOST began to hover the surface of the deep. This morning, may the Holy Ghost floating upon the surface. It means he hanged, floated, levitated and suspended in the air.

The world does not seem to understand why we are moving at the pace we are going but we know whom we have believed – THE HOLY GHOST.


God is sovereign. His ways are past finding out. We cannot look and comprehend his infinite wisdom and the depth of his sovereignty beats our imagination.

He is himself God and does whatever pleases and suits him. He can choose whatever means to bless a man and exalt him. Sometimes, however, he can choose the unconventional method of allowing a man of God to play a certain role in advancing your destiny.

But there are times that when divinity empowers humanity to confer on humanity the power to attain purpose.

Through the laying on of hands, God allows a man to chart the path of destiny of another man.

In Numbers 27:18, God told Moses to take Joshua, the son of Nun, in whom is the Spirit of God and lay his hands on him to receive honour and wisdom.

There are things that are received, others are imparted (Romans 1:11). By the agency of the laying on of hands, destinies are altered, redefined and recharged.

That is when you are a first born but by the laying on of hands, you can become the last born. For I would have mercy on whom I have mercy and show compassion on whom I am compassionate. May God give us the pleasure of laying our hands on you.

The laying of hands is so critical that even to appoint somebody into the high office of presidency, it has to take the element of the hands.

That is why Paul told Timothy to hasten slowly in laying on of hands in order not to share in the sins of others (1 Tim 5:22). It tells you of the potent importance of this spiritual activity.

Laying on of hands is part of the elementary principles of the doctrines of Christ (Hebrews 6:1-3)

Laying on of hands is used to impart giftings (1 Tim 4:4).

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